such an imagination

Jacob climbed in bed with me this morning. He said, "Mommy, why did God make people? Why didn't he just make nothing, like there was no earth, no universe, no God, just like a blink?"

I told him that was the question everyone wants to know, even grown ups.

Then he said, "When I die, well I know that will take years, but when I die, I will fly up to Heaven and ask him lots of questions. Like: why is the sky blue? I wish it was green with purple clouds. Did you know I think that the colors blue and red are girlfriend and boyfriend? And Green and Yellow, but Green and Blue are buddies. I put them as buddies because they're CRAZY. But Blue is not quite as crazy. And Red and Orange and Pink and Purple are boyfriend and girlfriend.
Oh, and I'm going to ask God why the grass is green."

I love how his mind works. Funny thing is, I use to think of colors that way, but with different couples. (and there was a whole story that went along with mine too.) That's a lot to think about before you crawl out of bed, but I could do it all day!

and these....

I couldn't leave these out.....

When the rain let up, we took some fully clothed pictures. They're so cute together! (and obviously I'm in love with these red shoes!)

a long weekend

This weekend was a little busy. (to say the least.) It started with the 'adventurous shoot' then another shoot. Then to a wedding shower, three hours in a car with the kids, and a late night of visiting and helping my dad get ready for a family reunion. Then it was three hours back in the car with a few stops along the way for dropping off proofs and pee/snack breaks. Then we entertained the in-laws and enjoyed burgers and smores at the neighbor's. And finally, today we went out to lunch and a movie, then swimming (which was short-lived) and got the kids in bed a little early. We'll try to stay home a bit more this week...until the weekend

(back at my dad's farm)

(and the bon fire, so much fun!)


My sister-in-law, Rachel and her husband Jamie always do something adventurous on their anniversary. From roller coasters and parasailing, rock climbing to bungee jumping, it's always so great to see what's next for them. Well, this year for their 6 year anniversary, some risque pictures were the adventure. It was all new to me to do a couples session with this, but it was so much fun. Aren't they a beautiful couple?!!!!

Afterward, they treated me to Andy's.

Erin and Evan joined us and just for this little inturuption, Evan, I'm putting you on the blog!

Thanks guys so much for trusting me to do these pictures. It was so much fun. Thanks for all your support in my own adventures in photography. I love you both!

family pictures

Sometimes, this is how everyone feels at the end a family photoshoot, but Gibson perked right up for a few more.

a special wedding

It sounds cliche, but I was so honored when Brandon and his family included me in such an amazing day. I was especially proud to spend time with Jennifer who was such a beautiful bride.

Brandon and his sister Shawna are so close. (It was hard for me to hold it together when she saw him all suited up.)

Isn't she lovely?!


We have had a busy week celebrating. Jacob had his "Aloha Celebration" which is the equivalent to a kindergarten graduation. We were so proud!

He had a "line".

And then on Friday, he had a celebration for earning %100 on his AR test.

a view from the boat.


I went camping with my Dad and Brother this weekend. We were at Diamond City Campground. I love this place!
I grew up camping there so it's worth the 2 1/2 hour drive. My brother took us out on his new pontoon boat. I'm not sure how we ever had fun without one of these.

I don't know why, but this picture reminds me of Miami Vice

We love walking down to the boat dock and feeding the HUGE carp. It's always the highlight of our mornings. (We also witnessed the carp spawning.)

it's about time.

It was way past time to get Emma a big girl bike. She was so excited, she couldn't stop talking for a picture. We got the bike just in time for our camping trip.

all the questions.

Monday morning, Nathan's Grandma passed away.
This brought up a lot of questions from the kids. Most of them were about our bodies and spirits after death. I'm not sure which is harder, the birds and the bees talk or the afterlife talk. Luckily, neither of them cried or acted scared. When Jacob found out, he said, "Aw MAN, I really liked her." That's exactly how I felt.
And when Emma heard the news, she asked lots of great questions about Heaven and moved on to another subject. A few minutes later, she got very quiet and then said, "Mommy, I just said something to Grandma Allamon in my heart." I asked her what it was, and she said "I can't tell you it's a secret."

some cuties

Last week I visited one of my many sister-in-laws, Mary. I was there to take pictures of a mother who was receiving a baby wearing sling from Mary's organization No Mother Left Behind. Mary gave away her 100th free sling. But while I was there, I couldn't resist taking some pictures of these cuties.



Alex. This was taken at our Easter egg hunt, but I couldn't resist posting it with these.