funny face.

Sometimes it's hard to get a great picture of Jacob with out a silly face. Sometimes though, he lets his gaurd down and says cheeze.




so cute!

the pumkin patch

I got to go on my first fieldtrip as a chaperone.
The kids learned that pumkins grow from a vine and not in a box from wal-mart.

Girl of Many Hats

When Emma's pre-school asked parents to share our careers with the kids, I was stumped.
What's my career!? I guess it's mom for the most part. But then, what are all these other 'jobs' called? I recently started working at the Switchback Cafe in downtown Rogers while Emma is in school. Of course I still have MK, and then there's photography....and a possibility for a small job in wedding invitation making. (I'm not sure about that one yet) I decided to 'share' my photography...skills with the school. I think the kids will love taking some pictures!

The Cafe:
I'm loving this place! The best Gelato and Pininis.
I had my first true lesson in becoming a barista today.
I can't wait to learn 'latte art'!

This is James Maynard. He's the artist for the cafe.
He brought his dog Peety the other day.

Kids These Days

The kids are growing up so fast. Jacob's favorite new phrase is "Holy Nuckles" and Emma is showing off her "flower mustache".
They have great imaginations!

Our Picnic: