Girl of Many Hats

When Emma's pre-school asked parents to share our careers with the kids, I was stumped.
What's my career!? I guess it's mom for the most part. But then, what are all these other 'jobs' called? I recently started working at the Switchback Cafe in downtown Rogers while Emma is in school. Of course I still have MK, and then there's photography....and a possibility for a small job in wedding invitation making. (I'm not sure about that one yet) I decided to 'share' my photography...skills with the school. I think the kids will love taking some pictures!

The Cafe:
I'm loving this place! The best Gelato and Pininis.
I had my first true lesson in becoming a barista today.
I can't wait to learn 'latte art'!

This is James Maynard. He's the artist for the cafe.
He brought his dog Peety the other day.