trials of a top hat...

The top hat didn't arrive on time, but luckily Erin's sister was able to find one. Well, maybe not so much 'lucky' for Jacob. He didn't want to wear this adorable accessory. It took some bribing (okay, I'll admit it...some threatening), but Jacob ended up wearing the top hat all the way down the isle and for a few pictures. This didn't come without reward. I'll be 'owing' him for the bribe all week. Smart kid.

This hat made its way around the wedding party as well.

If you look closely, you'll see that even the groom partook in the fun.

a few more...

As promised, here are a few more of Erin and Evan's wedding.

Anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm...emotional, but I was so proud of myself for not crying during this day. Well, almost not crying...when I saw Erin and her Dad grab hands before she walked down the isle, I teared up a bit. (and again during their father-daughter dance.) So sweet.

The happy couple's get-away car was a '66 Mustang from her family. It suited them well.

Mr. and Mrs. Kemp

Yesterday, two of our best friends, Evan and Erin were married at Central United Methodist Church in Fayetteville. It was such a beautiful wedding and reception that I'll have to make another post or two to fit it all in.
I took this picture through a window in the door. I love this church!

Jacob was quite the photographer. (And it helped that he had a beautiful model.)

A princess and her Papa:

a cute couple

Ash and Michelle are just right for each other. You'll be seeing a lot of them on my blog. They're just such cooperative models.
And in TWO days, they're getting hitched! I can't be there since it's at the beach and two of our best friends are getting married here on the same day. I can't wait to see their wedding pictures.

I have to give Michelle credit for editing this one. She will have to come to work for me when I get my own studio someday.

entertaining ourselves.

We've been doing a pretty great job of keeping ourselves entertained and pretty relaxed around here. I'm really enjoying these days where we can be lazy. The kids have kept busy with puzzles and games. Catching frogs and letting them go only to realize this means we are in a constant search for the next one. There's been lots of swinging and a little swimming. They even put on a magic show for us the other night. Of course, right now they're in their rooms because they were throwing rocks into the air-conditioner unit........
And we've been watching a movie on TV almost everyday. Is there such thing as 'popcorn poisoning'? a

We're not the only ones having fun. Austin... a great host!
I'll post some more pool-pictures soon.

Father's day

We started our Father's day celebration on Saturday with a fabulous dinner at my sister's house.

Here's my niece, Breanna. Doesn't she just look like the best videographer?!

We played lots of games. (I was usually on the winning team;)

Then on Sunday, we helped celebrate with Nathan's family by eating all day long.
(thanks Rachel for taking this one)

This picture was actually taken at Christmas, but I thought it was appropriate.

Happy birthday, Oscar!

The kids wouldn't let it go. We had to celebrate Oscar's 1st birthday. So, we invited Anna and her dogs over for snacks and treats.
Oscar didn't like his hat

Baxter just came for the free food.

Emma got a little upset that our guest dogs didn't take their goodie bags home with them....well it was just a big bone but still....