a quick update

We've been having a great month this February. We did have one not so great day however.... Monday Jacob ran into the house with a very guilty look on his face, but Emma was right behind him, so I assumed everything was alright until the doorbell rang 1/2 a second later. It was a lady from the Bella Vista crime watch. She had picked them up on the very curvy road that they know to never ever go on! (they were about a mile away) She was very upset (as was I) and let me know that she had called the police. A few minutes later, a police car showed up and a very nice officer asked if everything was alright. When I told him it was, he said okay and that was all unless I needed anything else. I asked him to scare the kids for me. (he didn't want to scare them, but i wanted them to be as scared as i was.) He talked to them for a minute and that was it. I made them stay in their rooms for about 6 hours. When everything calmed down a bit I had lots of questions. Jacob told me the reason they left our yard was so they could have an adventure. "We had to go to the gas station to spend my 5 bucks." ........


Gloria Brown said...

OMG! I would have flipped out. Good thinking though with the policeman. I remember my brother and I doing that but no policeman reprimanded us. I'm glad everyone's alright.