Happy Happy Birthday Baby!

It seems like just yesterday that Rachel was on the phone with 911 while Nathan was delivering this 10lb baby girl on the bathroom floor of our tiny apartment! With Emma's birthday this week, she has asked to hear that story over and over. It's been all about her for a few days now and I'm not sure if she's ready for that to end. Her birthday morning started with pancakes complete with candles, and after school we had a little photo shoot. These "poses" were all Emma's idea. She's such a ham.

After gymnastics, we came home to a very neighborly birthday party where 'Mrs. Lori' cooked Emma's favorite meal, and Anna made some cute signs. We had cake and opened presents. Can a girl have too much attention?

Anna covering Emma's eyes so we could surprise her with her gift.

This is a fake reaction, but I think it's cute. (Emma's idea of course.)