My how Oscar has grown.
I'm still looking through some old pictures, and I came across these of our sweet little tiny (non-shedding) Oscar.
Those were the days....
By the way, through all of the drama with Emma and the ER, we ended up in the ER for pets last weekend. Oscar has been getting into something that makes him freak out with hives and swelling in his whole body. They hooked us up though, and now we just give him an adult Benadryll. It makes him so sleepy he wobbles trying to stand up while he's asleep. Poor baby.
the shedder
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 11:13 PM 0 comments
following in my lead
Emma is doing just fine. Even though these pictures were taken pre-head drama, she is feeling great. The wounds (both of them..yes we found a second one that the doctor missed. It was hiding under some bloodied hair.) are looking wonderful. She had so much fun doing these. I may let her take some of me on our next 'girl day'.
Sunday, April 22, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 9:06 PM 7 comments
a quick update on Emma
Thanks so much for everyone's blessings for Emma's head.
She is fine, but not without a little drama.
She woke up fine the morning after our ER visit, but the knot had loosened (of course). The wound was opened but not bleeding. So we called the ER and argued and got transffered around the building the entire afternoon. Our pediatrician told us it was too late to get stitches or close the wound properly, and she gave us great instructions. Also, our friend (an RN) gave us the same advice but suggested we shave enough hair around the wound to make the strips stick and to keep the hair out of the wound. Our neighbor helped us get it all fixed up so that we wouldn't have to shave the hair and it's starting to look.....betterish. I was told someone from the hospital would review our case and call us back on Monday. So far everyone I've spoken with was compassionate. Keep your fingers crossed that they'll be sympathetic to our situation.
Saturday, April 21, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 5:41 PM 0 comments
$3,000 hair stylist
Last night I had just 'made my plate' at Rachel and Jamie's when Nathan called and asked me to come home.
Emma and Jacob had been throwing rocks and Emma's head was bleeding really badly. I begrudgingly left my beautiful plate of mac and cheese and all the other favorites, and I headed home. By the time I got here, Emma was feeling fine, and the bleeding had stopped. But...the gash looked pretty bad. After hanging out in the ER for a few hours, an.....elderly Doctor told us that Emma did need some stitches or something that would hold the wound together. So, he took a section or hair from each side of the wound and TIED her hair in a knot! He said it would hold. In the time it took us to wait, be treated, and wait to be discharged, we could have driven to my sister (the stylist) in Harrison for a quick knot.............
Friday, April 20, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 5:45 AM 2 comments
Painting with light: Part 1
I've wanted to know how to do this for a long time. I think it's awesome that so many photographers are passionate enough about photography to want to share their wisdom. (I'll have to elaborate on this later.) Thanks so much Anne for sharing!!!!
And I'm so thankful that Nathan took some time to help me learn this. There's more to come!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 9:15 PM 2 comments
as promised
I figured out early on that letting kids be themselves (especially the photo-reluctant ones) I can get my favorite pictures...and then of course, they're more likely to take just a couple of 'regular' ones. In fact, Jacob got in trouble on picture day for not "cooperating" with the photographer. He had to take his picture 6 times. In my opinion, the photographer was (understandably) a little tired and cranky from taking a thousand different kids that day, and he wasn't patient enough to find out what it'd take to get Jacob to smile for a 'pretty picture'
As promised, here are some of Jacob...
and my favorite...
Posted by KimL at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Nathan finally found his basket the night after Easter. After 4 hints, I eventually told him which room it was in.
(by the way, my first hint should have given it away..."somewhere you wouldn't have much to do with")
It was in the clothes basket.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 6:38 PM 0 comments
the first month.
I've been weeding out my photo Library and found some pictures from the first month with my digital camera.
I've learned a lot, but I still have a long way to go.
I realize there are a few here of Emma and not of Jacob, but she loved for me to take her picture, and back then, Jacob wasn't really into it. I'll post some of him soon.
this is emma dressed and ready to get her flower-girl on...
Nathan and I took an afternoon to figure out some things about movement. This was as close as we got that day.
This was the first day I had my camera home with me. (I'd had it a couple of days before while I was camping.) I could not figure out at the time how to get the lighting right....these days, I'm practicing how to get the overexposure I want.
Posted by KimL at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Easter Sunday
This morning started with our normal tradition of finding our Easter baskets. (As of 11:00p.m. Nathan still hasn't found his)
I had great plans for making a big breakfast, but Jacob informed me that he and Emma had already had their chocolate bunnies for breakfast. So we colored our eggs and headed to Fayetteville for lunch.
Nathan's Mom served ham and all the goodies on her mother's China set.
These are Bunny Rolls
Nathan helping the kids find the last few eggs. (which by the way were never found)
Seth, putting Nathan in a headlock
The kids had so much fun. Emma was so cute trying to give her eggs to Jacob as soon as she found them. I had to tell her that really wasn't fair to the other kids. So, she just gave them all some of her eggs.
Happy Easter!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 08, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 9:52 PM 3 comments
a night in
Since Nathan gets home tomorrow, I decided to have a late night with the kids. After bath time, we made frozen cookies and while they were baking, we played a rousing game of Guess Who.
we had to have some cookie dough!
Emma loves to help in the kitchen, even if it is just cutting the frozen circles in fours. This is the little stool she always grabs to be tall enough to assist.
Does your person have a hat?
Guess who won?!!!
Even Oscar was worn out. We watched Full House and Stuart Little. Emma and Oscar were the first ones out.
Friday, April 06, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Just the Girls!
Last night I enjoyed a much needed girls-night-out.
We started with dinner and ended with some wine and cheesecake.
What could be better?!
Posted by KimL at 1:25 PM 8 comments
Well, can you tell life is getting back to normal since spring break is over?
My posting may slow down, but I plan on taking some pictures tomorrow if it's not so cold.
I can relate to Jacob int this picture. It's sort of how I feel about the looming weather.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Model Behavior
Still getting lots of practice. I was thankful to have my sister Kristy pose for a few shots.
She's a natural.
Sunday, April 01, 2007 | Posted by KimL at 10:44 AM 1 comments