Easter Sunday

This morning started with our normal tradition of finding our Easter baskets. (As of 11:00p.m. Nathan still hasn't found his)
I had great plans for making a big breakfast, but Jacob informed me that he and Emma had already had their chocolate bunnies for breakfast. So we colored our eggs and headed to Fayetteville for lunch.
Nathan's Mom served ham and all the goodies on her mother's China set.

These are Bunny Rolls

Nathan helping the kids find the last few eggs. (which by the way were never found)

Seth, putting Nathan in a headlock

The kids had so much fun. Emma was so cute trying to give her eggs to Jacob as soon as she found them. I had to tell her that really wasn't fair to the other kids. So, she just gave them all some of her eggs.

Happy Easter!!!!!!!


Gloria Brown said...

Did Nathan ever find his basket?

likeUtoo said...

you are doing a great job.

KimL said...

why...thank you very much! I'm working hard to learn.