Just the Girls!

Last night I enjoyed a much needed girls-night-out.
We started with dinner and ended with some wine and cheesecake.
What could be better?!


Madame Kemp said...

these pics are amazing. not kidding...

Anonymous said...

Wow, these pics are so good! Makes me crave some more cheesecake and wine...

Anonymous said...

It was a fun girls nite! Hive five for the turtlenecks...!

KimL said...

thanks girls, maybe you could be my manager. We'd be like Jessica Simpson and her father except we can rreeerr and they can't, I know I looked it up!

Gloria Brown said...

I love the pics!!! You are getting so good. When you're a famous fashion photographer, you'll remember me, right?

KimL said...

oh miss brown, of course!!!

Anne said...

I've always wanted to try that wine... how was it?!

KimL said...

Well, I'm just learning to appriciate red wine. It was alright, but it made me want to eat a steak!