such an imagination

Jacob climbed in bed with me this morning. He said, "Mommy, why did God make people? Why didn't he just make nothing, like there was no earth, no universe, no God, just like a blink?"

I told him that was the question everyone wants to know, even grown ups.

Then he said, "When I die, well I know that will take years, but when I die, I will fly up to Heaven and ask him lots of questions. Like: why is the sky blue? I wish it was green with purple clouds. Did you know I think that the colors blue and red are girlfriend and boyfriend? And Green and Yellow, but Green and Blue are buddies. I put them as buddies because they're CRAZY. But Blue is not quite as crazy. And Red and Orange and Pink and Purple are boyfriend and girlfriend.
Oh, and I'm going to ask God why the grass is green."

I love how his mind works. Funny thing is, I use to think of colors that way, but with different couples. (and there was a whole story that went along with mine too.) That's a lot to think about before you crawl out of bed, but I could do it all day!


Sebrena said...

Your kids are smart. Thanks again for letting us stay the night. You're a great host.