on the farm.

Last week I took my 3 nephews and Jacob to visit my dad.
I felt a little bit like I was in a country music song. We spent time at the creek, built a campfire, and witnessed a"strawberry moon" . The best part though was going to the old drive in theatre. The kids got stockpiles of candy and spent most of the movie in a sugar coma. I also spent about an hour filling 200 water balloons, we had some car trouble...oh, and I got stuck behind a chemical spill on my way home! I don't remember those ever being in a country song.

There's a trick to photographing the moon...clearly I'm not efficient in this.

This is not on my dad's farm, but it's a picture I've been meaning to share....


Angie said...

These photos are so good. Looks like you all had a great time.

KimL said...

Thanks Angie! Next time, I'll rest up first!